Masterful story-telling in the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Like most people who have a love for sci-fi, I eagerly watched the first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens yesterday. [1]

After watching the trailer for the fifth or sixth time I started to really notice the masterful story-telling – exemplified in the words and tone; and the vision and music.

Words and Tone

In the entire 60 second clip there are only 15 words spoken:

There has been an awakening; have you felt it?

The dark side… And the light

In those words we can see a couple clues:

  1. he dark and light sides of the force have been dormant since the timeline of The Return of the Jedi
  2. Both have awakened

What was equally telling was the tone used – clearly the tone used was spoken from the darkside, with the voice over having a distinct Emperor Palpatine feel about it.

Vision and Music

The trailer starts with what appears to be the planet Tatooine [2] with some level of chaos as people and droids run from something. We then cut to an organised force of Stormtroopers amassing.

Ultimately we then see vision of what seems to be Han Solo’s spaceship, Millenium Falcon as the classic Star Wars score kicks in.

I am looking forward to the new movie[3], and I am excited by what appears to be a strong foundation of masterful story-telling at the hands of JJ Abrams and crew.

  1. OK, actually I probably watched it ten or more times.  ↩

  2. The same planet which featured at the commencement of the original Star Wars (aka Episode IV or A New Hope).  ↩

  3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens is due to be released on 18 December 2015.  ↩

Des Paroz @desparoz

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